Marriage Equality Win

July 01, 2015 1:15 PM | Anonymous

Letter from Brendalynn Goodall, Club President, on The Supreme Court decision.

Wednesday July 1st, 2015
Dear Community,
With the historic decision on marriage equality by The Supreme Court, we have come closer to full equality in the eyes on the law, our loved ones and the communities in which we live, work and thrive.
I am reminded at times like this of our mission as a club:

  • To further equality through the political process and community activism,
  • To bring together lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, (LGBT) individuals and our allies to achieve equality for all and to advance progressive values through the Democratic Party,
  • To raise the issue of LGBT rights in political campaigns, and
  • To lobby for legislation that advances and upholds the rights of LGBT individuals.

The Supreme Court decision is a celebratory victory, however, there are many challenges and issues that we need to continue to address. We need to continue to fight for equality in health care services, workplace discrimination by supporting the passage of ENDA, open adoption policies to all LGBT members, transgender issues, racism within and from outside of our communities, and elder and youth issues.
As a community, we need to continue to re-energize and use what we have learned in the fight for marriage equality – and continue to fight for all LGBT rights. A battle has been won but many more are still ahead of us. The road is long, but together and with our non LGBT allies it will be a successful one. Lasting changes take time but we are on our way. With your support, your energy and your passion, we will continue to change hearts and minds and reach full equality.


Brendalynn Goodall, President
East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club

East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club. P.O. Box 10996, Oakland, CA 94610                    Contact us at:     

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